I do understand how our women’s lives have been impacted during this pandemic and how they play a central role in preventing the spread of COVID-19 and keeping their families and communities safe and resilient.
The pandemic situation and school closures have increased an already high burden of care and domestic work for women. These are impacting women’s physical and mental health. An equal share of domestic and care work is especially important during this time.
I do believe some women suffer too from an increase in stress and anxiety. But remember it is not the end of the world. We have to take heed mothers to remind members of the family during the COVID-19 pandemic to
stay home,
always wash their hands with soap and water,
wear their masks,
cover their mouths when cough or sneezes with the tissue or use the inside of their shoulder,
and maintain physical distancing so we can get through this pandemic together. This is the important contribution women and all mothers can offer to Covid 19 pandemic. See that no family member moves out from your bubble to another bubble. If we do not take heed then we are a danger to your own family.
I congratulate those of our women who are doing their best to achieve a lot of things and improving their creativity in holding their family together. It is hard work ladies but I assure you, you are the best managers in your own homes. Even though you have to sacrifice and suffer but you give the best to your children. Continue the hard work. Listen to your heart, include time to listen to each other’s sharing especially hearing what each one is going through this time. Provide space for this to take place. We must not lose our ability to listen, as St Francis “heard the voice of God, he heard the voice of the poor, he heard the voice of the infirm and he heard the voice of nature. He made of them the way of life”. [Fratelli Tutti par.48.]
We can be sure that this pandemic will enable us to take a step forward towards a new style of life.
While it is true that women will be the hardest hit by this pandemic, they will also be the backbone of recovery in communities.
Remember you are not alone in this fight for we are in this together. Very simple, we begin at our own homes, organize time for family discussions and reorganize creatively what is best for your family. This is a new norm.
Let us include each member in decision-making, it does no harm. It is time to rethink your styles of life and your relationships. Like this, you share the burden of workload amongst members of your family.
Let us not forget the best weapon for us is not to forget to turn to God in prayer for he understands our needs.
In two days’ times, we will celebrate Ascension Sunday which invites us to raise our gaze to heaven, where we belong. It is to that destination we are moving.
My advice to all our women in Fiji today be gentle with yourself and with patience, support each other in love. Take every care to preserve the unity of your family in this time of uncertainty. This pandemic is global but bringing it closer to our homes let us be proactive and do the best we can.
I encourage you again mothers to take heart and do not fear because the Lord God is by your side, an ever-present help in times of trouble.