A Change of Leadership & Installation of our Parish Life Coordinator

Today, Sunday July, 26th 2020, at our Lady of Victories Parish on the island of Rotuma, two (memorable, historical and auspicious) events occurred which mark another milestone in the history of the Catholic Church in Rotuma.

The Handing-Over of the Parish Pastoral and Financial Administration from the Marist Fathers to the Diocesan Community of the Archdiocese of Suva. With the restrictions on Social gatherings, about a hundred parishioners comprising of Catechist, community leaders, chiefs and a selected choir attended this mass and witnessed this memorable event. Also, in this same mass, the parishioners witnessed the installation of our new Parish Life Coordinator, Mr. Visoni Frank Mama’o.

The main celebrant was the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Suva, the Rev. Fr. Sulio Turagakacivi, assisted by Rev. Fr. Milikiade Raiyalu SM, Assistant Superior representing the Society of Mary in Oceania and Rev. Fr. Viliame Baleikoro, the Parochial Vicar of St. Peter’s Parish, Namosi, who is now acting as priest Supervisor and Sacramental Minister for Rotuma Parish.

This Handing-Over ceremony from the Society of Mary in Oceania to the Local church was an emotional one, considering the one hundred and seventy four years (174), the Marist Fathers served our Parish in Rotuma. This event was first indicated about five years ago and today, 26th July in a moving ceremony just before Mass the keys to the Parish premises, the vehicles, the school and the Parish Pass Book were handed over to the Parish Priest Supervisor and the Parish Life Coordinator by Fr. Milikiade Raiyalu (SM).

During the same mass, after the main celebrant, the Vicar General Rev. Father Sulio Turagakacivi’s Homily, the installation of our Parish Life Coordinator, Mr. Visoni Frank Mama’o’s ceremony took place in which he was in front of the Altar to be installed and to recite his oath in which his roles and responsibilities in the parish were clearly stated and witnessed by everyone in church. The position of Parish Life Coordinator is new and first of its kind to us in Rotuma. To ensure everyone is well informed of it, Rev. Fr. Viliame Baleikoro visited every individual communities in the parish and held meetings to inform and clarify these new roles to the parishioners three weeks ago. He also requested everyone to give names to him of parishioners suitable for this new position in the parish.

The brief history of the church in Rotuma clearly reveals to us today the power of the gospel. The early Marist Fathers and Brothers left their homes and countries to serve in Oceania on the strength of the gospel. History shows that the first Marist Fathers; Fr. Vern and Fr. Villien arrived in Oinafa in December, 1846 to establish the church in Rotuma. They celebrated their first mass on Christmas Day that year at Vaitoka in Oinafa. From 1846 to July 2020 is 174 years. Records also show that in this period of almost two centuries, 36 Marist priests served and nurtured the faith in Rotuma.

The good Marist men denied themselves and carried on with their missionary work, some, if not most of them, without ever returning to their homes. Some even served in Rotuma for more than 30 years. For example; Fr. Joseph Trouillet served for 38 years (1868 – 1906), Fr. Schinder (1881 – 1911) 30 years, Fr. Lucien Soubeyran (1907 – 1954) 47 years, Fr. Gustave Griffon (1913 – 1959) 46 years, Our Lady of Victories Parish was also consecrated by Fr. Gustave Griffon on 26th July 1924.

The big question for us now is, “How did a person manage to face all the hardships and challenges in a foreign land in the 19th century up to the middle of the 20th century?

 I believe that these good Marist men cared for nothing else but to provide and nurture the faith wherever they were. Another answer to this simple question can be found in the life of the Founder of the Marist Order, Rev. Fr. Colin. These Marist men all possess not only a deep faith but they were pragmatic men – they were not only practical but highly resourceful. They came out to the Pacific qualified and knowledgeable in accounting, architecture, theology and in many other fields, like Master builders and craftsmen. The two church Cathedrals in Rotuma and the deep-rooted faith all bear witness to their efforts, sacrifice and hard work.

From Fr. Vern and Fr. Villien in 1846 right down the years to Rev. Fr. Emiliano Lasaqa in 2020, served us, the people in Rotuma so that ‘we may have life and have it to the full

Today, we the parishioners of our Lady of Victories salute the Marist Heroes and say – 


To the Vicar General and the Diocesan Fathers, the faith community in Rotuma welcome you all into our midst today. We now pledge anew to His Grace, the Archbishop of Suva our total support, our prayers and our faithful obedience.

After the celebration of the Mass in church, the parishioners showed their greatest respect to the Assistant Superior, Rev. Fr. Milikiade Raiyalu SM representing the Society of Mary in Oceania in our Traditional Culture to Farewell them and to our Vicar General – Rev. Fr. Sulio Turagakacivi, representing the Archdiocese and we welcome also our new Parish Life Coordinator, Mr. Visoni Frank Mama’o in our Parish Hall.

Mr. Petero Marafono