“Peace be with you” (John 20).
“Glory to God in the highest heaven and on earth peace to those on whom his favour rests.” (Lk1:14)

Peace of Christmas dear friends! Jesus greeting his disciples with peace. The angels proclaimed that the birth of Jesus will bring peace on earth.

The Hebrew word of Peace is ‘Shalom’, which means fullness of life. In the Hebrew- Christian bible, peace is more than the end of violence and conflict. Peace best describes what the reign of God will be like; a place of safety, justice, and truth, inclusion, and love; a place of joy, happiness, and well-being. Hebrew Scriptures hold that peace in its fullness is possible because God is its source and the giver of peace to others.

Peace is God’s gift. We have to receive the gift of peace from God. It’s not a human strategy. The whole earth needs God’s gift of peace. Covid 19, wars, climate change, domestic violence, poverty, forced migration reveal the world’s brokenness and vulnerability. Pope Francis states the ecological crisis is a reflection on the inner crisis in human beings. We live in a world in need of peace, healing and reconciliation.

Jesus was born in a time of peace and stability during Emperor Caesar Augustus’ reign. The Angels proclaim that the ‘prince of peace – the messiah is coming.

2022 Christmas in Fiji comes after the tensions and uncertainties of the general election. Although we have the foundations of a coalition government, we know that we have politicians who carry deep wounds, hate, animosity, revenge and trauma in their hearts and minds. Furthermore, a coalition government brings together three parties with different manifestos and values. Our political leaders cannot lead with integrity if they do not have peace and inner freedom. They need to embrace their vulnerabilities, brokenness and be reconciled with self. This will help them to forgive and accept others and be true agents of peace. Pope Francis teaches that ‘good politics must be at the service of peace.’ We need healed and peaceful politicians and leaders.

I strongly recommend that the new government takes parliament to a spiritual retreat to help heal the wounds, hatred, division and animosity. The first parliament seating should be with

God, to experience deep listening and forgiveness. Politicians cannot serve peace when there is no inner peace.

Shalom – Peace is obtained only by the presence of the “Prince of Peace” Yeshua. May I bless you all with the Hebrew Aaronic Priestly blessing: The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace. (Numbers 6:24-26)