Immaculate Conception Parish in Lami taking proactive approach on Covid-19 economic problems.

ICPL Workshop


The community leader of the Immaculate Conception Parish in Lami met last week on the 28th of February and held the first-ever Covid-19 workshop for a local Parish.

The workshop was held to empower the leaders on how to address the Covid-19 economic challenges in their communities.

Parish Pastoral Council Chair Mere Fong said the idea of having the workshop during their Pastoral Council meeting in January, where they had discussed the church’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The framework of the workshop was based on the report of former Director and General Managers of Air Pacific Aisake Komailevuka, that he presented at the Diocesan Clergy Seminar two weeks prior to the workshop in Lami.

The report detailed the economic impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and how the role of the church during the pandemic. Parish Pastoral Council Communications rep Susan Sela says the workshop had taught the leaders how to implement the findings of the report to raise awareness on the economic impacts of the pandemic and how to build resilience to it in their communities.    

Deputy PPC Chair Joe Ravea says the workshop had been an eye-opener for many of the leaders, and he was also impressed by the enthusiasm of the leaders. He adds the workshop is just the step to the creation of their parish action plan for the Covid-19 economic depression.

Parish Education Coordinator says the leaders now have to impart their newfound knowledge in their communities, to help them build a definitive action plan for the parish.

The community leaders have now planned to sit with their parish priest soon to present their proposal of an action plan for the parish.