Induction of the Fiji Council of Churches Officers

“Dearly beloved, we meet here now in the presence of God that we may recognise His call upon those of our fellowship into leadership positions with God’s church.”

This evening, (9/12/20) in an Ecumenical Prayer service, the Fiji Council of Churches inducted its newly appointed officers: Manasa Wessley – General Secretary FCC, Archbishop Peter Chong – President, Rev. Iliesa Naivalu – Vice President and Rev. Simione Tugi – Treasurer.
This took place at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Suva and was attended by members of the Catholic Church, Anglican, Presbyterian, Methodist and Fiji Baptist Convention. The service was presided by Fr. Orisi Vuki of the Anglican Church.

We heartily congratulate the newly appointed officers of the Fiji Council of Churches and pray that they be guided by the Holy Spirit in all that they do for God’s kingdom here on earth.