St. John the Apostle parish, Natovi- Marriage Renewal

By Tukini Cama


That was the message from the Archdiocese of Suva Family Commission led by the Vicar General, Fr. Sulio Turagakacivi to hundreds of parishioners in the St. John the Apostle parish in Natovi, Tailevu in a Parish Renewal over the weekend.

Fr. Sulio is also the national advisor for the Marriage Encounter Movement in the Archdiocese and has been conducting workshops and seminars for over a decade in parishes around the country specially to married couples about the sacredness of the sacrament of matrimony and the priesthood, both of which involves the invisible but ever-present GOD who has gifted the Church with its sacraments.

Parenting is a vocation. “As parents, you are called to bring up the children o GOD in the way that GOD wants His children to be raised- that is, parents should nurture, teach, love, and guide GOD’s children towards a complete, fulfilling and dignified life and return them to their eventual eternity with GOD in heaven.” The Vicar General said that “when a child is born, he/she is born with a huge tank with an amazing capacity to be loved and love in return. The role of the parent is to rear the child in a loving and totally affirming and emotionally constructive attuned primarily to the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Catholic Church. Parents are obliged to fill that huge tank up with love so that the child be made of love”