Our Home is on Fire-Act Now! is a climate change advocacy show put together by Tagi Production of the Catholic Archdiocese of Suva.

The show calls the world to ACT NOW! as human activity continues to cause climate change. Carbon emission is the main driver for climate change. Carbon dioxide increases global warming which results in ice melting and rising sea level. We must stop coal mining and carbon emission.

We are crossing planetary boundaries that will cause major damage to the earth. The good news is that we can change and save Our Mother Earth. We must ACT NOW before it’s too late.

Through “Our Home is On Fire-Act Now” show, Archbishop Peter Loy Chong calls Oceania Small Island Nations to lift their cries so that the world hears our suffering and undergo an ecological conversion. We can be agents of saving the earth from destruction. Na Tagi Production supports Pope Francis’s letter, “Care for Our Common Home”.

The show will use symbolic and artistic languages to communicate our vulnerability. The show weaves together song, dance, meke, storytelling and poetry to express the cries of vulnerable people of Oceania.

Symbolic and artistic language have the power to touch peoples’ heart and bring about change. Symbols allow us to reframe, re-organise, and reset the core meanings of our lives again and again. Renowned spiritual teacher Fr. Richard Rohr speaks of the importance symbolic and mystical language in people’s lives: he states that we should be searching primarily in the universal and wise depths of recurring symbols, metaphors, and sacred stories, which is where human beings can find deep and lasting meaning or personal truth.”

The TAGI Production will showcase a 300-member choir, local artists, cultural dances, and stories from the frontline of climate change. The cast includes students from Marist Brothers High School, Saint Joseph Secondary School, Saint Anne’s Primary School, and the Lomary Tagi Choir. Guest performances include the winner of the Vocal Battle Fiji One Ms Jedidiah Tuinasavusavu, Opera Soprano Singers Ani Lewaniu and Unaisi Bula, and the rapper Drixstar as well many acclaimed Disney Animation Film Studios recording artists namely

There will be two shows on 23 rd June, 2023:
12.30-2.30pm (School students’ show)
7.00-9.00pm (Public Show)

To purchase your tickets to the Tagi Show contact Nicholas at 35 Pratt Street Suva. Tickets can also be purchased via MyCash and MPaisa on the following numbers:
Mpaisa 9477174
MyCash 7351001

Ticket prices are as follows:
$50 are the rows behind the VIP
$10 is for the Pavillion seats

VIP Ticket Prices: Row 1 $300 Row 2 $200 and Row 3 $100