Archbishop Peter Loy Chong in Rotuma

A Historical and Visionary Reflection



The mission of the Church in Rotuma began to take tangible form with the construction of the Church building in Sumi, a significant milestone achieved after Rotuma was ceded to Great Britain. In a period of peace, the laying of the Foundation Stone in 1895 by Bishop Vidal marked the start of an important chapter in our Church’s mission. Designed by Fr. G. Groffon and the Faguta carpenters, the church’s architecture was deeply influenced by French ecclesiastical traditions, symbolizing a strong commitment to establishing a prominent Catholic presence in Rotuma.

Throughout the 20th century, the Church in Sumi became more than just an architectural landmark. It stood as a testament to Catholic perseverance and influence in the region. Its distinctive Gothic design, adorned with statues and other features, reflected its deep integration into Rotuma’s cultural and religious life. The church’s clock chime, a crucial timekeeping tool for nearby villages, highlighted its role in the community beyond religious functions.

The Church’s mission also faced challenges from other Christian denominations. Missionary groups such as the London Missionary Society and Wesleyan missionaries introduced a dynamic religious landscape. Despite initial resistance, the Catholic Church’s steadfastness resulted in a substantial presence and significant influence, showcasing the competitive spirit and persistence of our faith.


Today, the Church continues to be a beacon of faith for the eight communities it serves. Faithful parishioners’ journey to Sunday masses and special liturgical celebrations, reflects the Church’s enduring role in their lives. Amid global changes, the Catholic Church in Rotuma has shown remarkable adaptability under the spiritual guidance of Reverend Fr. Viliame Baleikoro. Although he has served in Rotuma for only four years, Fr. Viliame’s leadership has been instrumental in guiding the Church through contemporary challenges. We express our sincere gratitude to Fr. Viliame for his unwavering faith and dedication to God’s will.


In preparation for our Centennial Celebration, His Grace, Archbishop Peter Loy Chong hosted a transformative two-day retreat. This retreat provided an opportunity to reflect on our history, assess our present, and plan for a future as a Synodal Church. With a focus on listening and reconciliation, the retreat’s outcomes have paved the way for a renewed direction for the Church in Rotuma.

Looking ahead, the Church is poised to embrace the Synodal Church model, a principle that emphasizes collaborative decision-making and inclusive participation. This approach aligns with global Catholic trends and underscores the importance of involving all Church members in shaping its mission and activities to become an active church.

The future of the Church in Rotuma will focus on strengthening its role in community life while integrating modern needs with historical traditions. This involves encouraging greater local laity involvement such as establishing an active youth ministry, addressing contemporary issues that affect the church, and preserving their cultural heritage.

Additionally, the Church will foster interfaith and ecumenical relations, enhancing dialogue and cooperation with diverse religious communities in Rotuma and the broader Pacific region. This will contribute to mutual understanding and collaborative efforts.

From its symbolic beginnings to its central role in Rotuma’s religious and cultural life, the Church in Sumi has continuously evolved. As we look to the future, embracing synodality and community engagement will be essential in continuing our mission effectively and meaningfully.